Saturday, April 28, 2012

Integrating Technology Into the Classroom: Challenging but Achievable

     I found this article, "Integrating Technology Into the Classroom: Methods and Means" recently, and I feel that it completely encompasses everything that this course strives to instill within its students. Technology has made significant strides over the years and the possibilities seem endless. Just when we think Apple or another technology brand has outdone itself, we are quickly presented with an even better piece of technology. The same is true within most classrooms nowadays. Technology within the classroom has also come so much farther than anyone could have imagined. The very first paragraph of this article really caught my attention. A “portable classroom” just might be the most advanced technological form of schooling that I have ever heard of. My only concern when first reading this was that I was not exactly sure that this was a viable form of schooling. Further along in the article, however, author, Melissa Kelly, addresses everyone’s concerns about incorporating technology into their curriculum.
     Step by step, this article guides a prospective teacher, in a way, regarding exactly how beneficial technology can be within the classroom. From research, to website creations, to online assessment, this article shines a light on different aspects of curricula that can be enhanced with the incorporation of technology. I especially think that the creation of a website is beneficial to students. As a future English teacher, I have often thought about using this kind of method in my classroom, having the students create a website similarly set up to that of a social networking site such as Facebook or Twitter so as to really put themselves in the shoes of a character from a novel that we studying. I found it also very clever that they provided an example for History teachers, having students write historical letters as if they were historical figures.
     I feel as though the reason this article is not only resourceful but vital is due to the fact that it does not try to sugar coat the fact that while technology is an advancement in the world of education that provides our students with a plethora of opportunities for learning in innovative ways, it is not 100% practical. However, Kelly definitely brings to the forefront suggestions on how to make the incorporation of technology such as the internet work in the classroom. She admittedly states that although it might be a bit of a challenge, it is definitely possible to create an environment conducive to learning within a technologically sound classroom. Kelly states, “Do all of the objections mean that we should not use the internet in the classroom? No. However, we must address these concerns before we fully integrate the internet into the classroom. The effort is definitely worth it because the possibilities are endless!” (2). Kelly definitely succeeded in addressing many of the concerns that I have had regarding the integration of technology within my own classroom. I believe she has not only given me suggestions on how to successfully achieve it, but she has also given a host of answers on how to address the challenges we might face along the way.

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