Thursday, April 19, 2012

iPads: The New Classroom Laptop Transforming Schools in Elizabeth

     I recently found this article about iPads becoming the forefront of technological advancement in the Elizabeth school district. Allowing students from all areas, whether affluent or underfunded, the opportunity to learn by way of the newest and most advanced piece of technology is what will ultimately aid in transforming the classroom to be a part of the 21st century. Incorporating technologies such as an iPad will allow students to become accustomed to what will eventually become the most utilized technology. It will also give them a chance to explore new media, to learn and have learning be an enjoyable process as opposed to the tedious process it might currently be for students. I also believe that it is wise for them to have access to certain websites and such that they might not have access to at home without the iPad. Having round the clock access to sites and such used in the classroom to perhaps aid in a research paper or homework assignment, especially for students who do not have access to a computer in their home, is what might make all the difference in certain students’ lives, in turn, perhaps increasing their grades.
     Alberto Marsal, the Coordinator of the Technology Dpeartment at the JEDTA school, claims that the incorporation of iPads into the school’s curriculum will lead to “higher attendance, increased student achievement and a positive attitude for all our students” (1). He also states, “We have already seen increased student engagement as a result of our initial rollout of these iPads” (1). I hate to think so pessimistically, but could the initial increase in attendance be ultimately the result of each student receiving their own iPad? It’s not every day that a school will give each student a brand new form of the latest, most advanced technology that tend to be quite expensive. Perhaps the hype of each student receiving an iPad will boost attendance initially, but I don’t believe it will keep the attendance rates up consistently throughout the school year. While I do believe that incorporating iPads instead of laptops is innovative and revolutionary, sparking in students a new desire to learn, I do not believe that it will be the sole answer to increasing attendance and grades. As I have mentioned in other blog posts, I think it will still be an ongoing challenge to ensure that students are using the iPads for academic purposes only and not finding ways to use them solely for pleasure and personal use. It must be made clear to the students what the objective is behind them receiving this piece of technology. They must be made aware and fully comprehend that the iPads are as important as a textbook in the classroom, and are not there to provide distraction or entertainment from a lesson.

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